Monday, November 9, 2009

a royal sentiment

In a gust of hot air, the president of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, recently called on the Venezuelan army to prepare itself for war. After an agreement between Colombia and the US that would allow American soldiers onto various Colombian military bases, Chávez appeared on his regular and farcical television show "Alo presidente" to ask that the pueblo and the military ready themselves to defend the country. Some of the key phrases he employed, loosely translated, include "Venezuela will never be a US colony," and "the best way to avoid a war is to prepare oneself for war," as well as a warning that "a war against Venezuela would last for 100 years" because the country has many allies around the world.

There are many differing opinions about Chávez and what he stands for, but I for one agree with the sentiments of King Juan Carlos of Spain:


And in case you want something with a little more rhythm:


Gotta love kings gettin vicious! What do you think about Chávez? Any real threat, or is he just a big talker?

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